A Study on Display Font of Transmutability with Graphic Features

August 28th, 2015

I conducted a research on the transmutable font and a new type of interface to use it. I created a font that can change its shape continuously compared to existing discretized forms. The suggested slide-type interface can also be operated continuously. I also proposed a plug-in feature to encourage user extensibility and voluntary participation.

  • Duration | 4 months
  • Responsibility | design research, user research, font development, UI design
  • Tools | Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Fontforge, After Effects

font probelm 1 font probelm 2


The general difficulties in making effective propaganda are the lack of uniform but various fonts and the unchanging interface of using them. Observing general people who don't know how to develop font, I realized people feel difficulties in combining different types of fonts esthetically and in delivering information effectively with only predefined font types. So I wanted to make a font that is one type but can change variously.

font 1 font 4

In order to support the various transformations of its shapes, I made a font that has a square proportion skeleton. Considering the effectiveness of prototyping the service in the future, I tried to minimize the inflection points at which curves and connections are cut off.

font 2 1 font 3

Font that can be to modify the criteria is diverse. I added existing weights, sizes, slopes, etc., as well as outline, terminal to determine the end length of the font, x-height to determine the center position of the font, and roundness to determine the roundness of the font. In addition, other graphic effects can be added such as scatters(make like a point-blank picture), stencils, and zig-zag.

A slide type of operating system is appropriate to adjust the continuous value. Various of indexes can be applied together, contributing to yield a large number of shapes. Moving the button of slides changes the shape of the font as it move such as (1) width, (2) thickness, and (3) degree of slope.